Order by Fax or Letter

Order sheet as PDF-File (Download, in German)

How to act if you want to send the order per fax/ letter:

  1. First print the order sheet. 
  2. Insert your order (products, number and price) into the intended fields. You will find the current prices, product names and order number in our shop. Now choose the type of payment ( cash in advance or cash on delivery). 
  3. Please calculate the all round price and sign. 
  4. Send your order sheet to +49 / 030 / 747 40 842 and will finish your order.
  5. Your order, the estimated date of delivery and bank data will be approved per e-mail.

Business customer?
With or without VAT?
For corporate customers we are happy to show our prices without VAT.
Please select:
Business client Consumer