Long drink- Highball- & Collins glass

Long drinks are a cocktail subcategory that includes a large number of cocktail classics, some of which are world-famous. One searches in vain for a completely uniform definition, however, the specific volume of the drink is often said to be around 12-14cl or 16-30cl. In further differentiation from so-called short drinks, long drinks are also characterized by a larger proportion of fillers like soda or tonic. Other sources, on the other hand, emphasize the comparatively simple recipe of many long drinks. This is also true, above all, for highballs, which are also characterized by particularly simple recipes with one base spirit and one filler and include well-known classics such as Gin Tonic or Vodka Lemon. Many highballs or long drinks are set up directly in the guest glass with ice cubes and then served with a straw.

The non-uniform term long drink glass usually simply means a high tumbler with the specific filling volume of long drinks. These glasses are often cylindrical and sometimes slightly conical in shape. There are also two more precisely defined subcategories:

Highball glasses are larger than old-fashioned glasses, are cylindrical in shape with a typical volume of 240 to 350ml. However, a large number of highball glasses even hold up to 450ml.

The Collins glass has its name from the Tom Collins; a cocktail classic whose history can be traced back to the 19th century. Collins glasses are slightly narrower and taller than highball glasses and typically have a volume of 300-410 ml.

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