Lever juicer

In contrast to manual ('Mexican Elbow') juicers, lever juicers feature a longer arm, which makes for a better leverage. With these devices, the halved fruit is placed between two cones which are then pressed together via a lever. In most cases there is a collection container underneath which collects the juice right away. Some juicers allow any vessel such as glasses or jugs to be placed underneath. Some manufacturers also offer combinations of both.

Cheaper devices for private users usually differ from more expensive lever juicers for professional use by their more compact and lighter construction. Professional devices are usually more solid and ensure a particularly secure footing. Although the principle of operation is the same, the lever mechanism used in professional presses for catering is stronger and more stable than in entry-level devices.

Common to all lever juicers are the materials used (mainly stainless steel and chrome); Extras on more expensive lever juicers can include a built-in funnel and a more flexible pouring system.

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